" rope"

The adult version of jumping rope is an excellent cardiovascular exercise these other methods may find it difficult to compete , especially when it comes to endurance. Jumping rope for a few minutes is so demanding on the system as several other cardiovascular activities like running . Running on an estimated 600 calories per hour average burn while jumping rope burns about 700 on average.

Of course, not many people are jumping rope training for right now, but this is just for comparison. An estimate says that the benefits of jumping rope for ten minutes is equivalent to running a mile in eight minutes.

In addition, jumping rope is not as hard on the knees than running, because the ball of the foot absorbs much of the shock rather than the heel to the strong impact , as in the operation. This is why it is a good exercise for the elderly. A training jump rope session is also used as a method of conditioning of professional athletes.

The benefits of jumping rope can be done with any type of rope and a little perseverance , without training or expensive equipment . Once you get into the habit of jumping rope training , you will surely find an enjoyable part of your exercise routine is a great value .

Jumping rope is excellent to work all muscle groups in the body. Every muscle works harder just to stand and stretch your muscles with each repetition. It works the upper body when you rotate the rope again, and superior product quality body burn . For the legs, quads , hamstrings and calves are stressed at every jump , strengthening muscles.

Training beginners

If you are a beginner and beginner rope jumping workout , try to jump straight minute. Not as easy as expected. Try to book a place in your living room or garage , where a clock is visible. Play your favorite music to get you started . Jump rope while watching the clock until one minute has elapsed. If a part of the minutes on the pace or not go right again until you can do a minute. Do not get discouraged if you can not finish one minute in the beginning. Do what you can and build until you reach your goal .


The benefits of jumping rope to lose weight or get in good condition not be overstated. Most of us have not thought about jumping rope and pleasure was , since childhood.

Anyone who still has doubts about the power of a drive skipping to change and transform the body , has no time to look professional boxers . Take note of your body with bulging muscles and almost no body fat. The most important part of their training uses the jump rope. They train for hours at a time and jump rope is a big part of your routine

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